Sunday, 3 July 2011

We need adverts and commercials!

The latest group of Super Seashores employees were given promotions this week. These included Aimee, Caitlin, Aidan, Megan R, Megan G and Sarah and Mollie. Congratulations!

Sam and Debbie's hard work and dedication have been noticed by the directors and both employees have now received a gold membership. Congratulations!!

All employees put together some great designs and ideas for beach facilities. A lot included beach hut hire, lifeguard huts, jet ski hire and ice cream stalls.

The next task was told to all the employees and was met with some concerned faces. The company is in desperate need of advertising.

At present it has no posters, leaflets or television commercials to let the public know what is on offer in these coastal areas. All employees have been given the important task of creating, designing, producing and recording adverts!

Good luck!

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